New Directors | New Films
Digital Production Challenge II applications are now open!

Digital Production Challenge II, an workshop to help improve film production workflow

Organized by FEST, the Digital Production Challenge II (DPC II) workshop aims to provide participants with tools that will help them improve the production workflow in audiovisual projects for cinema, television or streaming. Guided by a team of international and renowned professionals, DPC II will happen online, between March 29 and April 1, and will have scholarships for applicants coming from Creative Europe MEDIA program countries - aswell as 3 scholarship for portuguese filmmakers supported by the Portuguese Film Fund (ICA).

Martin Hagemann (producer), Florian Rettich (ARRI expert, DIT & workflow supervisor), Philippe Ros (cinematographer and digital imaging supervisor), Tommaso Vergallo (digital cinema imaging expert), Miga Bär (Netflix post production supervisor and digital imaging specialist), Sophie Bourdon (project manager), 
Konstantina Stavrianou  (producer, MEDIA expert) and Paul Miller (head of studies) are some of the trainers of this conference cycle that includes case studies, personalized advice and discussion around the participants concrete projects.

A poor workflow makes movie production clumsy and expensive. A good workflow saves time and money, allowing for a better end product. Organized by Paul Miller and drawing on the contributions of several experts in different areas of audiovisual production, the DPDII workshop offers participants a personalized experience that will dote them with skills and tools on workflow management, essential to organize the appropriate choices for each distribution strategy, whether we are talking cinema, broadcasting or streaming. With an essential focus on solving real problems, the DPC II is especially geared towards professionals with ongoing projects, since part of the work will focus on discussing the difficulties that they are facing at the present. Nonetheless, candidates without projects will also be accepted. 

The DPC II workshop has twenty-five vacancies for professionals, with priority for producers, line producers, filmmakers, cinematographers, production and post-production directors. All candidates must have professional experience on feature film or documentary production and team discounts will be applied to registrations. 

Information on the panel and daily program, topics covered and the registrations can be found at



29th March

. Welcome & Introduction by Filipe Pereira (Head of FEST), Paul Miller (DPC II Head of Studies), Marta Carvalho (FEST Session Host and DPCII Coordinator) and Martin Hagemann (Moderator and Expert)

. Presentation of participants, main tutors & experts

. Key Note Speech on Trends in Digitalization by Martin Hagemann

. Pitch of 8 selected participants projects

. Post-Production 101: General Overview of Post-Production by Miga Bär

. Tech Session 0: Technical Introduction – General Introduction, by Philippe Ros

. Case Study 1 with summary made by tutors


30th March

. Introductory Comments by Paul Miller and Martin Hagemann

. Tech Session 1: Technical Basics 2 by Florian Rettich

. Tech Session 2: Technical Basics 1 by Philippe Ros

. Tech Session 3: Technical Basics 4 by Florian Rettich

. Tech Session 4 : Technical Basics 3 by Philippe Ros

. Team Breakout Sessions with Experts

. Case Study 2 with summary made by tutors


31st March

. Introductory Comments by Paul Miller and Martin Hagemann

. Tech Session 5: Technical Basics 5 by Florian Rettich 

. Tech Session 6: Technical Basics 6 – Lenses, Look and Colour Space by Philippe Ros

. Tech Session 7: Technical Basics 6 by Florian Rettich

. Tech Session 8: Technical Basics 8 by Tommaso Vergallo

.Team Breakout Sessions Break with Experts

. Case Study 3 with summary made by tutors


1st April

Introductory Comments by Paul Miller and Martin Hagemann

. Tech Session 9: Technical Basics 8 - Shooting and Post, Tips & Control Tower by Philippe Ros & Miga Bär

. Strategies in Delivering Your Film, Part One by Miga Bär

. Strategies in Delivering Your Film, Part Two by Sales Agent (TBC)

. Workflow Analysis at DPC explained: one sample project

. Review of Participants’ Projects: Discussion & Recommendations on the different Workflows and Challenges

. Review of Participants’ Projects,

. One-to-One Meetings with participants and tutors & experts

. Final Wrap Up / Discussion & Evaluation by Filipe Pereira & Paul Miller