29th March
. Welcome & Introduction by Filipe Pereira (Head of FEST), Paul Miller (DPC II Head of Studies), Marta Carvalho (FEST Session Host and DPCII Coordinator) and Martin Hagemann (Moderator and Expert)
. Presentation of participants, main tutors & experts
. Key Note Speech on Trends in Digitalization by Martin Hagemann
. Pitch of 8 selected participants projects
. Post-Production 101: General Overview of Post-Production by Miga Bär
. Tech Session 0: Technical Introduction – General Introduction, by Philippe Ros
. Case Study 1 with summary made by tutors
30th March
. Introductory Comments by Paul Miller and Martin Hagemann
. Tech Session 1: Technical Basics 2 by Florian Rettich
. Tech Session 2: Technical Basics 1 by Philippe Ros
. Tech Session 3: Technical Basics 4 by Florian Rettich
. Tech Session 4 : Technical Basics 3 by Philippe Ros
. Team Breakout Sessions with Experts
. Case Study 2 with summary made by tutors
31st March
. Introductory Comments by Paul Miller and Martin Hagemann
. Tech Session 5: Technical Basics 5 by Florian Rettich
. Tech Session 6: Technical Basics 6 – Lenses, Look and Colour Space by Philippe Ros
. Tech Session 7: Technical Basics 6 by Florian Rettich
. Tech Session 8: Technical Basics 8 by Tommaso Vergallo
.Team Breakout Sessions Break with Experts
. Case Study 3 with summary made by tutors
1st April
. Introductory Comments by Paul Miller and Martin Hagemann
. Tech Session 9: Technical Basics 8 - Shooting and Post, Tips & Control Tower by Philippe Ros & Miga Bär
. Strategies in Delivering Your Film, Part One by Miga Bär
. Strategies in Delivering Your Film, Part Two by Sales Agent (TBC)
. Workflow Analysis at DPC explained: one sample project
. Review of Participants’ Projects: Discussion & Recommendations on the different Workflows and Challenges
. Review of Participants’ Projects,
. One-to-One Meetings with participants and tutors & experts
. Final Wrap Up / Discussion & Evaluation by Filipe Pereira & Paul Miller