ECHOES - Fast Forward #1

20th of June

4:30 pm 

Spatium - Multimeios Espinho

Between me and you | Ilina Perianova | BGR | 21'

During an unusual summer wedding, Sylvia’s surreal world, spawned by an unhealed trauma, comes to life, unlocked by a song about a void between her and her ex-boyfriend.


The strawberry tree | Guillermo García-Ramos | ESP | 17'

Somewhere in a mountain in Spain in 1950. Comandante Grande and Comandante Ríos are anti-Franco guerrillas, and together with their group of Maquis, they are ambushed by the Civil Guard while they are preparing to bathe in a river. They manage to hide in a particularly leafy area surrounded by vegetation and under a strawberry tree. They do not know how long they will be there safely or how long they will last without water or food. Under these conditions, they must decide whether to risk their lives by leaving the hideout or risk it by staying in it.


Chomp It! | Mark Chua, Li Shuen Lam | SGP | 12'

Two crocodilian men go to a swimming pool to cool off. One of them is seemingly of a different and special kind; the other is unable to control his desire.


Goodbye Words | Laura Rantanen | FIN | 22'

Where do the abandoned books go? “Goodbye words” is a documentary short film about books, cyclicality, and acceptance of death. The film ponders what kind of trace we leave behind and offers consolation for the fear of insignificance.


All-inclusive | Duván Duque Vargas | COL | 20'

Eleven-year-old Fer travels with his family to a countryside resort a few hours outside Bogotá. Although Fer’s father will be doing business, he has promised to make time for family fun,something that has been missing from their lives for a while.


That Divine Cadaver | Leonhard Hofmann | DEU | 16'

“That Divine Cadaver” examines the outcome of toxic masculinity during an evening of exemplary decadence. A group of old white men are torn between their inability to speak about suppressed emotions and the pressure to be the alpha male. Their bodies enter a state of progressive decomposition.