Pitching Forum

It is with great pleasure that we announce the selection for FEST - Pitching Forum 2024, which will take place on the 28th and 29th of June between 10:00 and 13:00 GMT+1 (Lisbon / London time) online and live in Espinho Portugal.

FEST - Pitching Forum is an international film project competition and film financing and co-production event focused on providing development, support, financing and co-production opportunities for film projects.

We pride ourselves on hosting a great slate of 25 projects in development, selected from almost 225 projects that applied to be present in this forum, therefore we expect the projects presented to be engaging and exciting, so we are convinced you will also find the pitches and projects very interesting.

After being awarded at the FEST Pitching Forum, several projects have garnered international acclaim. One notable example is "Goodbye Julia" (2019) by Mohamed Kordofani, which premiered in the Un Certain Regard and Golden Camera sections at Cannes. Additionally, "Blue Moon" (2021) directed by Alina Grigore received the Silver Shell at the San Sebastian Film Festival, while "Farha" (2021) by Darin J. Sallam premiered at the Toronto International Film Festival. These are just a few among many other successful stories.

You can check the full information on the projects here.