New Directors | New Films
Awarded films 2024 edition!
Winners FEST 2024

The 2024 FILM Festival Jury, according to their different categories, awarded the following movies:


The Adamant Girl | Vinothraj PS | IND

For its artful and poetic study of the way some traditions and superstitions are used as a tool of oppression, the epic scope of the production, the nuanced and complex performances, and the extraordinary cinematography. (Fiction Jury 2024)

Honorable Mention

Animal (for direction) | Sofia Exarchou | GRC

For the uncompromising humanity, the purity of vision, the commitment to the honesty of the characters and for shining a light onto the dark side of tourism rarely portrayed in cinema while also leading a production that is impeccable, radical, and brutal in every department, the honorable mention for directing goes to Sofia Exarchou, the director of “Animal”. (Fiction Jury 2024)

Animal (for acting) | Dimitra Vlagopoulou and Flomaria Papadaki | GRC

For the raw vulnerability, the masterful execution of intimate emotional moments that transcend the traditional limits of performance and illuminate the humanity of the characters while leading an excellent ensemble cast, the Honorable Mention for acting goes to Dimitra Vlagopoulou and Flomaria Papadaki for their performances in “Animal”. (Fiction Jury 2024)


Echo of you
 Zara Zerny | DNK


It Turns Blue 
| Shadi Karamroudi | IRN

For its tenderness in the exploration of familial love and the way it makes us reflect about intra family violence The Silver Linx for best short film goes to It turns blue by shadi Karamroudi. (Fiction Jury 2024)

Honorable Mention

Bolero | Nans Laborde-Jourdàa FRA
For its unique blend of physicality, sexuality and melancholy that leads us to an unexpectedly spellbinding conclusion, the honorable mention goes to “Bolero”. (Fiction Jury 2024)

I promised you paradise | Morad Mostafa | EGY

And the jury want to give a special mention to Morad Mostafa and his fíIm I promised you paradise from Egypt for his achievement in directing and its striking cinematography that lead us in am emotional journey. (Fiction Jury 2024)



City of Poets | Sara Rajaei | NLD

Honorable Mention

 | Andrzej Danis POL

And a Happy New Year
 | Sebastian Mulder | NLD


The eyeball person
 | Yuri Muraoka | JAP

The autoethnography aspect of this film is very relevant, as art can be a healing tool for trauma, pain and life events. We see it as a project focused on memory and its power to change a structured paradigm. (NEXXT, Silver Lynx Animation, Silver Lynx Experimental Jury 2024).

Honorable Mention

A bird called memory
 | Leonardo Martinelli | BRA

An intervention made through rich metaphors. (NEXXT, Silver Lynx Animation, Silver Lynx Experimental Jury)



Tako Tsubo
 | Fanny Sorgo, Eva Pedroza | DEU

We decided unanimously to choose this film as the Silver Lynx Animation winner for its raw and impactful visual storytelling, as well as the beautifully written dialogues from which we have to highlight the quote “Why didn’t you stop loving, instead of having your heart removed?”. (NEXXT, Silver Lynx Animation, Silver Lynx Experimental Jury)

Honorable Mention

Matta and Matto | Bianca Caderas, Kerstin Zemp | CHE

In this narrative where touch is forbidden, the desire for contact is portrayed in such a disturbing and unique way that shows us how important it is to be human. (NEXXT, Silver Lynx Animation, Silver Lynx Experimental Jury) 

A kind of testament
 | Stephen Vuillemin | FRA

A brilliantly animated and original approach about our own choices, where even the most trivial decisions can be seen as life changing


The voice of others |
 Fatima Kaci | FRA

A portrait of dehumanization, where empathy is increasingly urgent. (NEXXT, Silver Lynx Animation, Silver Lynx Experimental Jury)

Honorable Mention

Riot Doll | Daria Skripka, Poornima Subramaniam, Mrunal Khairnar, Lwazi Msipha, Hassan Yola | FRA

An original and to the point perspective of Russian oppression in the eyes of a young girl. (NEXXT, Silver Lynx Animation, Silver Lynx Experimental Jury)

Growing pains | 
Mikkel Kruse | DNK

A beautiful insight of children's innocence that can be used as a powerful learning tool for grownups. (NEXXT, Silver Lynx Animation, Silver Lynx Experimental Jury)


Seu nome era Gisberta 
| Sergio Galvão Roxo | PRT

Honorable Mention

Clotilde | Maria João Lourenço | PRT

Trapstarz | Gonçalo Loureiro | PRT

FESTinha Sub10

Writing Home | Eva Matejovičová | CZE

FESTinha Sub12

Canary | Pierre-Hugues Dallaire | CAN

FESTinha Sub16

El Ombligo de la Luna | Sara Lourenço António, Julia Grupińska, Bokang Koatja, Ezequiel Garibay Cires, Tian Westraad | FRA


Feature Film

Echo of you | Zara Zerny | DNK

Short Film

The distance between us | Léo Fontaine | FRA

Thank you to all the spectators. See you soon!