Karima Saïdi

Documentary & National Grand Prix Jury

Karima Saïdi has a degree in film editing and script supervising (I.N.S.A.S.) and a master's degree in film writing and analysis (ULB). She has been a career as a documentary editor (Femme taxi à Sidi Bellabes by Hadjaj Belkacem, Les damnés de la mer and El Ejido la loi du profit by Jawad Raleb, Cheveux rouges et café noir by Milena Bochet,…), and as a script supervisor for fiction films (Le Cochon de Gaza by Sylvain Etsibal, À perdre la raison by Joachim Lafosse, Adios Carmen by M.A. Benamraoui, ...). In 2013, she created MURS-MURS and 10 VOICES, a series of sound portraits on Moroccan immigration in Brussels. In 2016, she stopped her work to accompany her mother, who was suffering from Alzheimer's disease. In 2020, this experience gave rise to her first feature-length documentary, A WAY HOME. Selected for the IDFA and a number of festivals, the film won several awards and is seen by some as a turning point in the visibility of 1st generation Arab immigrant women. Currently being edited, THOSE WHO WATCH OVER is the second opus in her work on exile and its traces. Karima Saïdi is also teacher at ULG (Liège) and ESAV (Marrakech).