Carolina Neves

NEXXT, Silver Lynx Animation, Silver Lynx Experimental Jury

Carolina Neves (1995, Porto) graduated in Audiovisual Communication from the Soares dos Reis Art School, specialising in Photography, in 2013. In 2016, she graduated in Communication Design from the Escola Superior de Artes e Design - Matosinhos, simultaneously working as a photojournalist for online magazines, covering events such as concerts and music festivals between 2013 and 2018. She has a master's degree in Sound and Image from the School of Arts - Universidade Católica Portuguesa, specialising in Cinema and Audiovisual. As her final project, she presented the short film ALVORADA (2020), in which she acted as screenwriter, director, director of actors and editor. Awarded national and international prizes and recognised by the Portuguese Film Academy, ALVORADA (2020) marked the beginning of Carolina's career. Due to the film's success, it became a case study in art schools and film courses. Carolina is currently working on the post-production of her next short film , where she has taken on the roles of Screenwriter, Director, Producer, Director of Actors and Editor.