The Fishwife


Stage of Production: Pre-Production

Production Countries: Portugal

Director: Alexandra Allen


A fishwife tries to sell fish in the traditional way.


“A Peixeira - The Fishwife” is a 2D animated short film, which narrative is presented in a comic tone to children. It revolves around an old fishwife who tries to sell fish at the city streets, as she has traditionally done throughout her life. Being a widow with no family around, we late discover the reason why she continues to work is related to her need to be socially active. However, a new supermarket opens in her city and steals all her customers, the few she had. Because, out of convenience, people prefer to do their shopping in the new commercial area. Being a curious person, the Fishwife visits the supermarket to try to understand what the place has to offer, especially in her area of knowledge: the fish section. There, she is faced with a disorganized and inexperienced young employee, who generates a long line of anxious customers. Upon contemplating the situation, the Fishwife sees an opportunity to sell fish in the supermarket and begins a succession of failed attempts that go on an increasing scale of comical daring which include attempts to: formally apply for a job; imposing her presence in the fish section; shamelessly selling fish in the aisles; selling fish undercover; between others. However, she is always kicked out by the supermarket manager. Already feeling hopeless, we discover that, more than wanting to sell fish for any monetary need, the protagonist just needs company. We see that she lives alone, is grumpy and initially averse to new company. This evolution will be illustrated in an adjacent character, a cat, who will appear in humorous situations throughout the fishwife’s journey. The narrative concludes when the Fishwife finds a flyer advertising a new local fish shop that delivers fish at home. She decides to go to the place and there she meets the employee who was previously working at the supermarket. As the girl is still too clumsy, the Fishwife invites herself to work with her, thus bequeathing her knowledge and friendship.

Project representatives:

Alexandra Allen (Director)
Sara Allen (Scriptwritter)