Stage of Production: Script Development

Production Countries: Morroco

Director: Anouar Moatassim


Houria, a teenager linked to the cultivation of saffron in the Anti-Atlas mountains, becomes a symbol of resistance against the oppression and violence against young girls in her village, plunging into a world where the border between imagination and reality collapses, leading to tragic consequences and a fierce struggle for justice and equality.


In the heart of the majestic Anti-Atlas mountains, nestled in the peaceful village of Taliouine at an altitude of over 1586 meters, lives Houria, a 14-year-old teenager. Like every year, from late October to early November, Houria, her friends, and the women of the village harvest saffron. They pick the delicate crocus flower early in the morning, just before sunrise, before its warmth wilts the delicate, almost phosphorescent purple petals. They pinch the saffron stigma between their fingers and cut it with their thumbnail. Houria’s radiant smile attests to her profound connection with the fragile beauty of this mountainous land. As she rests among the crocuses, she gazes at the bright blue sky, a window to infinity. Houria holds a secret: the ability to weave imaginary worlds in her mind, where dreams merge with reality. It is in one of these universes that she takes us, where she marries Ahmed, a young man of her age, in a ceremony imbued with joy and love. The scene of their wedding is a visual and emotional feast, blending ancient traditions and fairy tale elements. However, in this enchanted world, tragedy strikes the village. The crocus flowers are attacked and die one after the other, unable to produce saffron. Presumed work of the Forest Monster. Simultaneously, the village’s young girls, Houria’s friends, no longer participate in the harvest, mysteriously withdrawing into themselves, shutting themselves off one by one at home. Houria tries to understand the situation. An investigation by Houria reveals a connection between the crocus flowers and the well-being of these young girls, as if there were a sensory connection between the girls and the flowers, capturing their emotions and thoughts. To put an end to these troubles, she must confront the forest monster, protected by law and enjoying impunity despite the damage to the crocus flowers. Her natural charisma and contagious courage awaken dormant consciences, free the voices of oppressed women, and raise awareness among men about the importance of mutual respect. Houria’s struggle transcends borders. Her campaign to abolish a law protecting the forest monster propels her to the status of a national and international figure. Through protests and passionate speeches, she mobilizes the masses, inspires change, and conquers hearts. However, as the story unfolds, cracks appear in this idyllic world. Strange and mysterious elements raise doubts in Houria’s mind. Lost objects, enigmatic encounters... Is it real, or is it an escape for Houria, a way to flee the harsh reality?

Project representatives:

Anouar Moatassim (director and scriptwriter)

Aicha Abbouzied Kraus (Producer)