Film Industry Role: Lecturer; Director
Nationality: British
Major works: Supercinema: Film-Philosophy for the Digital Age and China: A User’s Manual (2012)
William is a Senior Lecturer in Film at the University of Roehampton, London. As well as teaching aspects of both film history/theory and film production, William is also an active researcher.
He has published numerous essays in journals and edited collections and is also the author of Supercinema: Film-Philosophy for the Digital Age (Berghahn, 2013), and, with Dina Iordanova and Leshu Torchin, of Moving People, Moving Images: Cinema and Trafficking in the New Europe (St Andrews Film Studies, 2010).
He is also the editor, with David Martin-Jones, of Deleuze and Film (Edinburgh University Press, 2012), and, with Jenna P-S Ng, of a Special Issue (7:3, November 2012) of animation: an interdisciplinary journal on the film Avatar, by James Cameron.
Furthermore, William is also a maker of zero to low-budget films, all produced under the umbrella of Beg Steal Borrow.
He has directed various films, including En Attendant Godard (2009), Afterimages (2010), Common Ground (2012), China: A User’s Manual (Films) (2012), and Ur: The End of Civilization in 90 Tableaux (2014).