Film Industry Role: Producer and Writer
Nationality: Portuguese
Major Works: Listen (2020) and Hálito Azul (2018)
Major Awards and Nominations: Listen won the Bisato d'Oro Best Film and Arca Cinema Giovani Best Movie Award at the 2020 Venice Film Festiva
Rodrigo Areias began his studies in Management at the Portuguese Catholic University, graduated in Sound and Image at the School of Arts with specialization in image. He also specialised in Direction on the Tisch School of Arts at New York University and on the production Eurodoc program. He has developed throughout his career, creative work in the field of independent cinema, in fiction and documentary, alternating with other works of video art and video clips for some of the best bands in the Portuguese rock scene (The Legendary Tiger Man, Wray Gunn, Dead Hand, Sean Riley, D3o, etc..) and various other projects.
As a producer, he began his career in 2001 and has since produced and co-produced over 70 short and long films, videos and documentaries. He has produced renowned authors like Edgar Pêra, João Canijo and FJ Ossang and young directors as André Gil Mata, João Rodrigues and Jorge Quintela. He also co-produced with Brazil, England, France, Germany and Finland. As a director, among several films, stands out Tebas (feature film) and Corrente (short film) which were represented in over fifty international film festivals and were awarded a dozen times. His second feature film premiered in Official Competition at Karlovy Vary International Film Festival and was awarded with an honorable mention. He was responsible for the film production of Guimarães 2012 European Capital of Culture where film directors such as Jean-Luc Godard, Aki Kaurismaki, Peter Greenaway, Manoel de Oliveira, Pedro Costa and Victor Erice where included.