Film Industry Role: Acting Manager, Founder and CEO of Crawford Talents
Nationality: American
Major Works: Elizabethtown (2005) and Fatal Rescue (2009)
Caprice Crawford is the founder and CEO of Crawford Talents, which is a full-service International Actors Management Agency based in Berlin, Germany. She works with professional actors from around the globe who are fully dedicated to their craft. Crawford Talents believe that acting is a universal language.
Caprice, herself, is an American producer and former actress based in Berlin. She’s worked in New York, and LA, and has landed professional acting roles alongside Jamie Foxx, Don Johnson, Orlando Bloom, Burt Reynolds, in both TV and feature films. After spending much of her life in front of the camera, she became captivated with behind-the-camera work and began working as a photographer, before excelling as a producer and now agent.