Report FEST - 21 June

The Highlight for 21th June was the masterclass by the film sculptor Brian Muir - Sculpting For Movies: Challenges of the Past and the Future.

Gary Yershon was present to continue the Training Ground program with the masterclass Why Music? , focusing on the importance of soundtracks in film.

In addition, also Pete Travis, Polly Duval and Luísa Sequeira was been at Espinho Multimeios with Masterclasses and Workshops. 

Filthy and Needle Boy marked the second day of the festival for a Gold Lynx competition at Espinho Multimeios . The festival’s bar Green Coast has featured Las Olas, which tackles the meaning of being a surfer through six stories in Central America. 

The FEST Village’s bus has been open and will continue throughout the week, with didactic activities on film for all visitors, popcorns and many surprises.

Bellow are the video and photos of the activities: